Deja Vu Spa: $119 for One, $229 for Two, or $339 for Three Laser Genesis Treatments for Face or Neck (Up to 77% Off)
Today’s Groupon Vancouver Daily Deal of the Day: Deja Vu Spa: $119 for One, $229 for Two, or $339 for Three Laser Genesis Treatments for Face or Neck (Up to 77% Off)
Buy now for only $119
Value $500
Discount 76% Off
About This Deal
Laser Genesis treatment is Known as the warm laser facial, this gentle laser stimulates collagen with no downtime and less pain
- Laser Genesis is a non-invasive, heat-based laser treatment that aims to stimulate the skin’s natural healing processes, reducing the appearance of large pores and fine lines.
- What is Laser Genesis: Laser Genesis is a breakthrough laser treatment that stimulates the skin’s natural processes to reverse the signs of aging and sun damage and promote a vibrant, healthy looking complexion.
- Benefits of Laser Genesis: Laser Genesis helps restore your skin’s youthful glow and appearance by improving common concerns like facial redness, brown spots, and fine lines and wrinkles. With quick treatments and no downtime, Laser Genesis can fit into your busy schedule and is considered the perfect lunchtime procedure by many patients.
- Achieve beautiful brilliant skin with Laser Genesis: Laser Genesis gently delivers heat to the problem area to address:
- Diffuse redness
- Fine lines
- Skin quality
- Scars
- Acne scars
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