Fitnessarchitects: Up to 60% Off on Fitness Studio

Today’s Groupon Vancouver Daily Deal of the Day: Fitnessarchitects: Up to 60% Off on Fitness Studio

Buy now from only $240
Value $600
Discount 60% Off


Lets get to it! Come in and train like an athlete! its a small rugged yet private gym space that never gets crowded! #noregrets

About This Deal

Ten 1 on 1 Personal Training Sessions for Adults

We will use these sessions to assess body imbalances and primal movements. Once we have defined your goals we will begin the journey to the strongest version of yourself! 

Ten 1 on 1 Performance Training for Youth Athletes

We work with the athlete to identify body asymmetries and correct imbalances. 

Four Small Group Training Sessions (2-4 people)

This is a fun way to get your friends involved and begin your journey toward a stronger you! 

This is a limited time offer while quantities last so don’t miss out!

Click here to buy now or for more details about the deal.

Fine Print
Promotional value expires 180 days after purchase. Amount paid never expires. Appointment required, contact by email at Limit 3 per person(s), may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 365 days. Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services. Learn about Strike-Through Pricing and Savings

1225 Keith Road East, North Vancouver

Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Don’t miss out!