Function Health and Fitness: $75 for a $150 Giftcard towards any services (Save 50% Off)
StealTheDeal Vancouver Daily Deal of the Day: Get a $150 Giftcard towards any services at Function Health and Fitness for $75 dollars
Buy now for only $75
Value $150
Discount 50%
Save $75
This is a limited 1-day only sale that will expire at midnight (Tuesday, June 14, 2011). Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Quantities are limited so don’t miss out!
The Goods
$150 worth of exercise services for only $75!
Lose inches and weight!
Increase muscle tone!
Get the results you want with certified instructors.
Fine Print
1 per person
No cash value
Must present voucher for redemption
Extras may be gifted
Call for an appointment
About the Merchant
Function Health and Fitness
1177 Melville St, Vancouver, BC
There’s a storm brewin’ – a fitness storm – and it’s gonna sweep you up into its vortex and whip you into the best shape of your life, starting with today’s crackling deal from Function Health and Fitness.
At Function Health and Fitness, we believe in the philosophy of placing HEALTH AT THE CENTER. This means realizing that good health is the foundation for your quality of life.With this being the case,you must live life in alignment with this reality and take care of your body by EATING WHOLE, NATURAL FOOD and getting plenty of PHYSICAL ACTIVITY. This is not just a nice thing to do, it’s a vital component of the way your physiology evolved over millions of years.
By using the HEALTH AT THE CENTER philosophy as the leading principle guiding daily life we believe that individuals, businesses and communities will make wiser decisions that are good and rewarding for everyone in the long run. Is health at the center of your focus? We can teach you how!
Whether you are looking to LOSE INCHES AND WEIGHT,AND,INCREASE MUSCLE TONE, prepare for an athletic event or simply LOWER YOUR HEALTH RISKS, Function Health and Fitness can help you get there by providing you with the knowledge and support so you can achieve your health and fitness goals!
Experience what it is like to work with a team of professionals who are dedicated to you. At Function Health and Fitness we will ensure you understand what you need to do to GET THE RESULTS YOU WANT and SUPPORT YOU with plenty of resources and personal attention along the way.
Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Don’t miss out!